Dear trekkers and parents of trekkers
Trek is still scheduled for July 5-9 at Kolob
The planning of trek is underway and we are inspired daily as to new ideas for trek
Right now we are getting registered names together to create trek families that will work together on the trekPosted Below)
Thank you for filling out your health/commitment form. That put you on the email “list”
COST -At this point you should have been turning in trek pmts of $25 per month on the donation slips under Other/your child’s name. If you forgot please catch up asap. Many of you chose to pay the full amount of $150 and are all paid up. Thank you for your sacrifices. Your ward trek coordinator will be in charge of making sure you are all paid up for camp so get with them if you need a reminder
FOOD -We have a wonderful cooking staff that will be preparing our meals for trek.
You will not have canned pop for the trek. If carbonated pop is a habit for you, we encourage you to “dry up” for at least a week before the trek. Incorporate more water into what you drink.
PREPARE PHYSICALLY- Trekking requires stamina. This can be obtained through obedience to the word of wisdom, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise. The following are some ideas to be considered. WALK... 2-3 times a week make your walk at least 2-3 miles. ALSO, 2-3 times a week walk 4-5 miles. Then later add hills. This trek will not be easy!
PREPARE SPIRITUALLY-. Prepare well and seek the spirit in all you do and say. The manner in which challenges are faced and handled will have as much of a lasting impact on you as you trek. As you prepare to go to trek learn several of the stories of the pioneers, learn about YOUR ancestors and the handcart pioneers. Study the scriptures and pray for a good trek experience, Stay Positive when we assign you to your families. Everyone will be together at camp!
PRE TREK ACTIVITIESWe hope you are enjoying the Stake pre trek activities we have had so far (ie ,,,opening fire side, equestrian park hike, movie and ice cream night),and Tunnel Hike. We have had great attendance and the kids are continuing to get excited about trek.
We have more!!! Don’t miss them if you want the ultimate trek experience!
March 30 at 7:00 - Skit night all wards to perform skits regarding the trek.
May 1 Readers Theater and music, Pueblo ward to put this on . Sunday dress
May 21 Social- Meet and Greet
-Introduce families and companies
-Create a family flag
-Square dancing
-fill Gatorade packets for hikes
Early Bird Hike, location to be announced.
WARDYour ward trek coordinator is actively carrying out activities on the ward level through YM/YW combined activities. Don’t miss them!!!
PIONEER CLOTHING- 2 sets only (one to wear the first day and one in the bucket)
Pioneers didn’t change every day …they washed there cloths in streams only when stinky! Lol
Deodorant defiantly allowed! And you may bring 4 sets extra clean underwear…if it fits in the bucket.
On the trek we will all be wearing pioneer clothing. Some ward coordinators are making skirts etc with the ward on trek nights at YM/YW activities. Some wards relief societies are helping the kids sew for personal progress goals. Check with your ward coordinators as to what your ward is doing. If you are on your own, make it simple. Put something together out of your own closet or go to grandmas and grandpa’s closet, or a neighbor. You can also hit the Desert industries… for about $5 you can get all decked out for trek. Pioneer wide brim hats for the boys and pioneer bonnets are highly recommended! Check the blog for patterns. Enjoy!
BOYS- No Levis or baseball hats. Boys can wear Dockers, or cotton pants. A oversized button Sunday shirt with the collar cut right off, vest, suspenders, and a hat. Please don’t forget the hat!
GIRLS- Skirts and blouses, Shawls, aprons. Anything crocheted. Pantaloons (highly recommended)under skirts can be made out of PJ bottoms or cut off sweat pants or make you some out of an old sheet with elastic waist band and some lace on the bottom.
BUCKETSYouth will be decorating the buckets for trek in wards. These will be your suitcase and chair on trek. You will need to pay your trek chairman for these buckets. Each ward is responsible for buckets. If you already have one let your ward coordinator know.When you go through customs you will receive a label that will mark it as to your company and family number.
Line bucket with a White plastic garbage bag to pull out when you get to camp to keep your "stuff" together and keep tents organized
Personal Equipment list- Everyone dressed in pioneer clothing should bring:
Satchel – Captains will pass them out on the bus (Will contain pen, journal and songbook etc)
Water bottle full of water or PowerAde
A warm Sleeping bag and an extra blanket in a labeled thick black garbage bag
Pillow (and a snack) to carry on the bus
A 5 gallon bucket with a lid, weighing no more than 17 lbs when full- this will also act as your chair at camp
GLOVES- Work gloves for pulling handcart and doing in kind labor
Bucket ListWarm coat or sweat shirt for evenings( it does get cool at night)
1 rain poncho
5 pair sturdy socks
Girls- feminine hygiene supplies
4 sets of underclothing
1 small towel, small trial size soap and shampoo
Comb or brush
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Deodorant-small trial size
Small first aid kit, including moleskin and a few bandages in case of blisters
Prescribed medications
An old set of scriptures
3 heavy duty garbage bags (to use for dirty or wet clothes and return trip)
Chap Stick, insect repellant, small pkg hand wipes and sunscreen
Small bag of hard candy to suck on during treks
Include hat or bonnet
Small Flash light
Small pocket knife
Harmonica or small musical instrument (this does not include IPods , MP3 players, or other electronic devices PLEASE DO NOT BRING THEM or your earphones!
ANY RX or ibprophen for headaches
SHOES- Hiking boots that are broken in are recommended but you may also bring an extra pair of tennis shoes that you can hike in.
DO NOT bring new shoes of any kind!!!
One set of pioneer clothing to change into including extra bonnet is desired
All items MUST fit in the trek bucket!
If you have questions you may email me ( talk to your ward trek leaders which are:
NP-Sudweeks, Suzy and Rell 702-564-6142
PB-Hafen, Terry and Gary 702-454-7565
PB-Spencer, Tyron and Shawna 702-566-0575
FV- Bowman, Rocky and Sandra - 580-2616
HT- Petersen, Dennis 682-2204
AV – Pecjak, David
RM-Bennett, Scott and Terry 801-623-7798, 563- 0478 then text her to look at her email 287-2335
PV- Seastrunks, Stacy and Edwin 702-497-4777
CR - Hutchings, Duane Isabel Hutchings 566-3624
ALSO FYI-All info and trek history and fun pictures etc will be on
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